Bloom, a 16-year-old girl from Earth who discovers she has magical abilities, as she enrolls in the Alfea College for Fairies. Along with her newfound friend Stella, a 17-year-old fairy, Bloom meets her apartment roommates Flora, Musa and Tecna. Together, they form the Winx Club>
Watch as Winx tokens dance in the flames! 50% of our one trillion supply shall be burned, amplifying their enchanting rarity.
Fly into the realm of low tax fees! 1% when you buy, 1% tax when you sell.
On top of redistribution, a further transaction deduction is applied to grow liquidity pool. This helps stabilize the token price over time.
Winx Tokens will emerge in a stealth launch, available to the entire community without a pre-sale.
Create a MetaMask Wallet using a phone or desktop computer. This will allow you to buy, sell and send $WINX tokens.
You can buy Ethereum (ETH) on centralized exchanges such as Binance. Make sure to use the ERC20 network when transfering Ethereum.
Use the UniSwap exchange by connecting your MetaMask wallet to the site by clicking the 'Connect' button.
You can start swapping your ETH as soon as the transaction is complete! Enter the token address of $WINX in UniSwap to swap.
Develop a covert smart contract and a stealthy distribution mechanism. Establish an incognito online presence.
Stealthily release Winx tokens through a surprise stealth launch. Discreetly distribute the tokens to supporters.
Form mysterious alliances with cryptocurrency exchanges. Seek partnerships with meme token-friendly platforms to expand the token's reach.
Social Media
DISCLOSURE By purchasing $WINX Token, you agree that you are not purchasing a security or investment contract. You agree to hold the team harmless and not liable for any losses or taxes you may personally incure. always make sure that you are in compliance with local laws and regulations before you make any purchase. Cryptocurrencies are not legal tender and are not investments or securities.